Our Oceans still remain largely unexplored, this was discovered with the recent loss of a Malaysian airliner over the southern-Indian Ocean off western Australia.
Over the years there has been many people with the money to take on their own investigations, some have been a scientific success while others perhaps playboy gimmicks.
We still do not know what the various superpowers know about the sea's depths, but we do know that these deep underwater pressures may be safe for the dumping of nuclear waste and older atomic ammunition's
Saturday 22nd March 2025.
Saturday 8th March 2025.
Discovering new Species?
With the latest uptake on deep sea exploration many new creatures of the depths are being discovered, some are giants of the squid family, while others are weird looking and some are aggressive!
Mapping the Oceans has began afresh with the latest technology and this has to be tried out now, because in future Space missions, humanity is determined to penetrate many of the ice Moons of the gas giants to see if the volcanic activity within them is creating life?
Saturday 22nd February 2025.
Trojan Submarines!
The possibility of being undetected in a mass land invasion is not clear, but the concept of a transport submarine has been considered for some time?
Wither they exist is another thing, since most news about submarines is very sensitive, if not secret and no one wants to share anything as to there roles at sea and what kind of operations that they might be taking!
During world-war-II (1939-45) subs did carry commando and spies into and out of operational areas for a host of reasons along with postage and fake documentation to fall into enemy hands thus creating a bluff that many fell for!
Saturday 8th February 2025.
Robots employed to clean booty boat Bottoms?
The idea of some of the new robots is to replace human activity, meaning that boats do not need to come into dry docks and also it stops the use of a plastics based cleaner that is one of the causes of plastic pollution!
But in reality to the amount of plastic already being dumped in the oceans, this is a fraction and it perhaps another European directive that the world must accept without consultation?
Saturday 25th January 2025.
U.S. denies climate Change!
Why is the question and do they have proof that the whole matter is a European fake or is it a lie on their behalf to drill baby drill for more resources?
As to wealth and the amount of those resources the U.S. is well behind Russia who has the largest land mass on the planet!
But what we don't hear because of the European stance on the Ukraine is Russian truth and data on the whole subject?
Saturday 11th January 2025.
Underwater Bases?
It is still not known how many underwater or sea bases have been built outside that of fantasy and science-fiction novels!
But they probably do exist and remain secret for various reasons of national security?
One reason for them not existing is that submarines are more safer and cheaper to operate in light of Earthquakes and unknown activity!
Saturday 28th December 2024.
From the Ukraine to the Houthis!
Uncharted waters with sea drones, taking out Russian shipping in the black sea and the Houthies taking out U.S. ships in the Red and Arabian seas?
One gain and two losses is the playbook of sleepy Joe as he departs, but Trump will have to deal with uncompromising enemies that hate the U.S.A. and with ISIL who are far ahead in their intelligence than we always thought for a rag tag grouping?
If the drug cartels of South-America can build mini subs so can many others and this new form of drone activity could spread its net far and wide around the world to be a real menace?
Saturday 14th December 2024.
Electric powered subs, back on the Table?
Research is once more back to be investigated to see how viable the transportation of freight could be more so that the conventional carriers, hijacking and loss of cargo in bad weather being several of the main factors!
Underwater and deep Ocean tourism is another viable possibility and that of nuclear power is not being ruled out, since all current world powers military subs use this form of power over that of Diesel?
Saturday 30th November 2024.
A dinasour found living in the Ocean!
A creature that was believed to have died out six million years ago has been seen in the southern ocean off Australia by divers and it is far from extinct?
Meanwhile is European waters a Japanese armored turtle has been washed up on a beach and it is leading many to believe species are not limited as once thought to certain places, but they move about!
Saturday 16th November 2024.
Does yacht racing leave a carbon Footprint?
Big business drives cooperate financing of large ocean yacht racing, but with these boats sometimes comes a lot of support vessels powered by diesel and thus what appears to be green, is not so green after all!
With modern materials comes lighter and faster craft, yet what follows is not so good and one wonders how much rubbish is dumped or lost overboard in rough weather?
Areas of vulnerability are the southern oceans and areas where plastic debris is not wanted, such as the south pole and its unique environment that needs to be preserved!
Saturday 2nd November 2024.
Off to a Moon of Uranus....
Even before we have fully explored the Oceans of our own domain, we are darting off to a frozen world on the whim that there is alien intelligent life there?
Much of this has come from the X-Ray and scanning of two fossilised people found in Mexico and after claimed DNA analyses a pygmy tribe in the Congo may be related to them and are not human?
Saturday 19th October 2024,
What we know and what we have not as yet been told, since the navies of the world that have submarines know much more of what is in the deep waters than any civilian ventures!
The oceans are made up of many mountain ranges and many islands have deep drop off points, while we don't really know what large sea monsters live in the depths of these dark places?
Meanwhile the are also many underwater volcanoes and rift openings that remain a secret, possibly with underwater civilizations long lost!
Saturday 5th October 2024.
The Titanic Imploding!
Everything that we need to know about this 1911 sinking of the liner is now known and there is no need to turn a grave yard into a tourist site?
We have discovered much about the vessel that imploded, that it was not well maintained and that it was not safe.
The company was making money, but not investing it into repairing what it has or investing in another vessel, more so to the pockets of the owners, who were also salvage hunting?
Saturday 21st September 2024.
Aircraft and Support Carriers?
The way forward in naval doctrine changes for each nation that builds their own carrier fleets or buys what others no longer need.
The United States leads in size and numbers, followed by France and the U.K, China and Russia are next, Italy, Spain, Thailand and Brazil lag behind?
But each nation has a differing role for their respective fleets, the U.S. naval air superiority, perhaps with China, while the U.K. fire power to deal with a hostile situation and protecting other land assets, very much shared with France.
The other nations just want to show a bit of muscle and Russia is undecided over these types of ships more wanting helicopter support than V/STOL capability?
Saturday 7th September 2024.
Sea truck Lifters!
Despite the popularity and newer designs coming to the fore, they remain elusive for other ship transportation, but more so for rigs and wind-turbine construction.
Perhaps as time goes on they will be used to recover wrecks and move smaller vessels! from A to Z, but for now it will a limited mode deployment!
Saturday 24th August 2024.
Imploding faulty Sub?
The inquiry into the Titanic desecration tourist sub has began and we are discovering that it was seriously faulty, wither some of these points were addressed and fixed it is not fully clear!
One has to wonder when this desecration of the dead will end and the victims be left to rest, since we have found all that we need to know in relation to the cruise ship that sunk in 1911, sailing from Southampton, S-England, U.K. to the U.S.A.?
Saturday 10th August 2024.
Petrol stations at Sea!
Tenders of various kinds are the best ways to keep ships at sea and not have to pay expensive docking fees between contract orders.
These refueling ships come in all sizes and naval versions also supply food, post and armaments!
They may soon be withdrawn as new power sources become available and the need to refuel will not be as it has been?
Saturday 27th July 2024.
What a Typhoon can do to a Super-Tanker?
One of the worlds largest oil slicks is now off the Philippines and after a week of storms, the navy is trying to pump what they can into tankers, from the sunken ship!
The calm, after the storm is a great help, but the seas can be unpredictable at the best of times and nature is paying a price for human greed?
Shipping is improving, but the weather is still a master that one must never underestimate, since we are but ants to it, not matter how smart we may think we are!
Saturday 13th July 2024.
Warming Oceans!
The big deal about the matter is that the dumping of Nuclear fuel in the north-Atlantic and past testing in the Pacific along with the sinking of a Soviet submarine off the coast of South-Africa some fifty years ago, along with all that we do not know is the real cause of climate change and global warming?
Radioactivity may be stabilized under great pressures of the Oceans, but it does take a long time to go from the surface of the sea, to the bottom and on the way much radiation is being released to warm up the waters!
This process has now continued for will over seventies years and is a daily world wide operation, apart from sun spot activity that effects weather patterns.
Saturday 29th June 2024.
The electronic sail is returning in new ship designs?
Improved materials and design is allowing shipping to power themselves by using wind and solar along with hydrogen to become more carbon friendly!
The concept is nothing new and in the past it only had a limited capability, but we now live in different times and technology has allowed us access to new possibilities at that time not foreseen?
Japan and S-Korea are leading the way and many new ships are proving with mentioned combinations above to be doing well, but the real test will come with the North-Atlantic, storms, coldness and other factors that the Norwegians claim may not work for the majority of shipping!
Saturday 15th June 2024.
Japan launches a new whaling Ship!
This is a very controversial move for Japan to make, as the vessel goes on trials before heading to the southern Oceans to hunt Whales for a food source?
Many groups are upset with what Japan is claiming will only be a number of animals killed and some for research, but despite this claim mush protesting is being planned to end this assualt on a dying species!
Japan is perhaps the last nation to still mass hunt Whales, after that of Norway, which nearly wiped some breeds out in the South-Atlantic, where as now Japan will be both in the southern-Indian and Antarctica oceans seeking fresh prey?
Saturday 1st June 2024.
Search for MH90 to resume Soon?
The search for the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH90 is to be restarted near to where it was left off not long after the flight went down!
The Australians believe they have a good idea where the aircraft is on the west coast and the SE-Indian Ocean, despite all of this optimism we still do not really know what actually happened to the flight, hijacking, sabotage by the pilots?
New technology is to be tried out and some believe that this is only a test bed for the AUSUS program rather that something that is genuine as claimed?
Saturday 18th May 2024.
Ukrainian Sci-Fi Submarines.
We are on the verge of new elections in the Ukraine and people are starting to see this who matter is nothing more than a NATO game at their cost!
Meanwhile some of the subs that have been used against Russian warships look like something out of James Bond or a Sci-fi film, but wither they work or not, remains unclear and they may even be underwater drones being put to the test?
The problem with the Ukraine is they make false claims when loosing, keep silent when using terrorism and attacking Russia, but now they are discovering their is a wind down that Biden is coming to the end of his Presidency!
Saturday 10th February 2024.
Icon of the seas not Appropriate!
The worlds largest cruise ship left Florida last month to much criticism for being powered by LPG instead of another alternative fuel, since the gas was just another fossil fuel?
It so hard to please people, when the U.S. has made a stepping stone breakthrough to get from guzzling petrol to a cleaner energy before moving in to perhaps hydrogen, which is really upsetting the climate change buffs?
Saturday 6th January 2024.
Global Warming and Ice Melt?
The Northern hemisphere is seeing an speeding up in ice melt, but the same it is only happening on the south pole in the winters and still there remains no scientific paper that can prove that the burning of fossil fuel is the cause of the matter over that of sun spot activity!
The European Union is making claims without any real proof and meanwhile the Green power revolution is costing nations into debt, since it is very expensive when applied and produces very little energy return compared to nuclear and Hydrogen power?
Saturday 5th August 2023.
Saturday 22nd July 2023.
Saturday 27th August 2022.
Saturday 25th July 2021.
Silence on the Titanic Incident?
The British media nearly drowned the general public in the coverage that was drawn out on the Titanic incident, which was known to be tragic from the time of loss of contact.?
But now that the inquiry in Canada is underway, one is hearing nothing, and it is coming across that Britain is undermining Canadas ability to do this job.
But it has been established that the U.S. government did not want British research and rescue vessels in the area and no real explanation was given as to why?
But many people already know what the answer is to this accident, since the vessel was not fully checked for structural damage and thus a weak spot created a pressure implosion.
Saturday 8th July 2023.
Loss of the Yellow Submarine!
Both greed and arrogance are at play hear in relation to the end of Titanic tourism for now and the loss of five lives?
The implosion or squashing to death is a horrendous way to die under the weight of all that water and no lifeboat, which is much the same with space tourism, if not science and travel.
Money has come before safety to check for hull weaknesses and to delay diving until the problems were sorted, instead of chancing it?
Saturday 27th August 2022.
Mysterious red light in the N-Atlantic Ocean?
Western media has reported various explanations for these red lights, as fishermen using lighting to attract certain fish and one found that to be untrue, since it is only used by the Japanese in their own waters on the other side of the globe!
Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic purple lights were reported across the U.K. which were excused in a similar way, until Irish fishermen reported them off the west coast of Ireland and that they had yellow centres?
One has to wonder when N-Korea threatened both the U.S.A. and Canada, did they fire those five nuclear weapons that are now glowing under the N-Atlantic ocean?
Saturday 13th August 2022.
Very little on drone activity underwater?
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic the world seemed to stop for two years and with it came restricted travel and an end to many underwater exploits, since medical science feared the spread of the virus?
But with the build up to the war in the Ukraine and others problems with China, which have now seriously escalated to a near war situation over Taiwan much false information is being pumped out by the media who is under the control of the United States and its allies?
Saturday 25th July 2021.
These last two years have seen some dramatic changes on our planet with the cruising tourism go down the drain after hundreds were left stranded in Japan on ships with Covid-19 and the deaths that followed, while the Trump administration allowed U.S. citizens to return from China without testing them and over a million people have since died from his madness or stupidity?
Amid all the disasters for sea travel life has had to go on, despite a Chinese container ship getting stuck in the Suez Canal for some weeks and various nations rowing about dependencies such as the Falkland and Spratly islands much naval build up for wars are under way?
Shipping in the Persian Gulf, Arabian sea and a few other places has seen Iranian aggression, which has been played down!
Tuesday 19th November 2019.
Global Warming!
We are now in a crises situation over the consumption of fossil fuels and burning of tropical forestation for the benefit of famers to produce crops that are not really essential to humanity, but rather to big business?
River outlets and lagoons in the far-east are now clogged with degrading plastics that are in our food chain, with untold damage that may be discovered in years to come!
Saturday 10th August 2019.
Plastic Pollution?
The deeper that humanity travels to the bottom of our seas and Oceans, we find plastic but the question is this the real problem with what is causing Global warming or Climate change?
My own opinion is that it is not and I blame the past testing of Nuclear weapons under the ground which is the real culprit to our crust warming up!
Whatever it is science is still on a 50/50 split about the whole matter and despite new discoveries our governments talk much find new taxes and continue to invest in fossil fuels exploration and drilling?
Thursday 28th February 2019.
New drones and Submarines.
2019 Promises to see a dramatic change to sea and sub marine drones and submarines, in how they are used both for research and in naval tactics?
These changes have come, because of serious advances in technology and the further shrinking of computers and their capacity to store data by transmission to the cloud based system.
This will allow smaller vehicles to be built that are either unmanned or have smaller crews being more automated ever than before?
Thursday 5th July 2018.
Ocean Research!
The biggest issues at this time is to gather data on global warming and to find out how our weather is coping with industrial pollution from the developing world?
Much of this data gathered at sea is from Buoy drones, that have been placed in areas where their is little or no human activity, fishing, shipping lanes?
What is being discovered is that the earth is warming up from within and that their is more of an increase of plastic pollution over that of atmospheric dust!
We can only go on what we are being told by the various world government agencies, and some Internet and periodical research by the individual may turn up a better idea of the truth?
Thursday 14th June 2018.
Drones and Subs?
Thursday 31st May 2018.
Military Naval Tech?
Most military tech has to remain secret, due to national security issues! Some are total military projects, while others are being developed to fight the smuggling of illegal narcotics at sea and people trafficking?
What will be learnt from these technologies, will later be deployed in the civil and Space industries, but it many not be tomorrow but in years to come!
Thursday 17th May 2018.
Marine Research!
Thursday 3rd May 2018.
The seas are not our Own?
It is becoming more and more noticeable that explorers cannot go where they want to in their work, because of several segregated areas of the Oceans that are reserved for the military of the world!
There seems to be more sensitive areas than first thought and they are excluded from investigation and research unless it is with governments permissions?
Amazingly this includes many areas of deep waters, which are known for the dumping of ammunition's and radio-active materials that need to be maintained under great pressures!
Thursday 19th April 2018.
Lack of Adventure!
Thursday 5th April 2018.
War with Syria?
Thursday 15th March 2018.
Limited Interest and Why?
Thursday 1st February 2018.
Robotic drone Mining?
We think hat the technology that is being developed today is Solly for space, when most of it is to be used in the building of 24/7 underwater mining sites to save the need of all the infrastructure that would be demanded for human crew change and activity?
Humans may be needed from time to time to check or to build these facilities, but after that it may be a fully automatic and operational facility until the resources run out?
Thursday 18th January 2018.
Oil and Mineral Mining!
Thursday 4th January 2018.
Submarines remain death Traps?
Last year Argentina lost a new submarine to either a mistake or technical error in the southern-Atlantic ocean with the loss of forty-four plus!
This continues to prove to be a very dangerous type of activity, as much as Space travel? One wants to believe that modern design is top notch, but its the tech and weapon systems that get the most spent on!
Until we can develop better underwater drones or spend more money on protecting human life then we will have problems?
Thursday 15th June 2017.
A whole new Opportunity?
The miniaturisation of the new generation of drone submarines has opened many new ideas for their uses from military, security, fishery protection, and research? Because also of live transmission of data to surface and space links, the worries of loosing a vessel is now viable since it would be easy to replace!
These drones are state of the art, but in recent years some of them are becoming available to the general public and it is hoped that one day they will be smaller than a standard camera for a child's toy or amiture to use in local lakes and pools if not inshore waters?
Thursday 1st June 2017.
Much but not Enough?
Nearly every nation today has survey ships of many kinds and they have many shared projects, but the subs that they have are still limited to about 1000 feet below? This is fine for most studies of fish and island or reef activity, but it is still not enough to know what lies at the bottom if not the sea trenches?
Cost may be one factor, but the other could be related to military activity or just little interest? Money and making money are the key factors in science! Space has more opportunities to invest in and more potential to make more money?
Thursday 18th May 2017
Nuclear Submarines.
In light of the worsening situation, or perhaps only what the media are implying? The situation between the United States and North-Korea seems to be gathering pace for some conflict incident?
The United States of America does boast the largest and most powerful fleet of submarines, but the question to be asked is can they do what they claim they can?
On the other hand N-Korea has some ex-Chinese and Soviet era vessels and they claim to have a new ship or sub launched nuclear missile, with a range of about 400 Km (240 Miles)? It would be possible for them, if they could leave their home waters to hit, S-Korea and Japan!
Thursday 4th May 2017.
What's New?
One of the major developments in the research subs has been the ability to get the glass bubble design to near a depth of 1000ft.
These new vessels have a 360 degree viewing angle for scientists filming in the darkness under water, this being backed up by more battery power for the new lights.
Robotic machines have been found to be more safer at all lower depths so far, but perhaps it is the cost of these machines and their limited ability to get crews trained to work them?
Thursday 22nd December 2016.
Work underway to develop deeper Exploration!
It takes time to get an idea on paper and then design and build it well before it can be tested, that in its own right taking another period of time too?
Many vessels and drones are being developed in all sizes and shape for automated work and also human endurance to new depths!
With what is known already is quite shocking in that even the bottoms of the oceans now contain human pollution in that of plastic waste?
Thursday 8th December 2016
Thursday 24th November 2016
Thursday 10th November 2016.
Thursday 27th October 2016.
Thursday 13th October 2016.
New Submersibles.
With the advancement now in robotics, many new machines are becoming available to go deeper and to start in-depth scanning or mapping of the ocean floor.
New creatures and habits are being discovered world wide every day, but most of the great effort that is being made will eventually enter the Space programme for use under the ice on the many frozen Moons and planets in our Solar System?
Thursday 29th September 2016.
Marine Research.
Various devices are now being deployed in this area to study the sea, weather and global warming-climate change? What we do not hear is the findings of what is really going on?
Some of these probes may have more to do with the search for underwater resources such as gas and oil or looking for other things that are not to be mentioned outside to the general public?
Thursday 15th September 2016.
Private ventures.
It would seem that for the near future many underwater exploits are going to be done in the private sector with small craft, because we as yet do not know what the worlds military has in this area of investigation if anything.
The cost is the problem, the building of a new generation of submersible vehicles is now running into the billions if not trillions? Money that is not about anymore because of the credit bubble, but private small scale work can be done and can be successful to a point.
Everyday marine biologists are claiming new finds in the depths of various seas around the world! Most of this work is being done on the continental shelves, what lays beyond is still a mystery? What is being discovered is how far human waste such as plastic is travelling.
Thursday 23rd June 2016.
Black Boxes for Recovery.
The French Navy says that it has found the black boxes badly damaged from the downed Egypt Airlines and recovery is underway.
Next to one of these media reports was that of fears that International hackers will in the next few years be able to take down any aircraft that they like?
Soon we will know the cause of this crash and the loss of 66 lives on a Paris to Cairo early morning flight. What we also have gathered is that France is a world leader in Oceanography and must have extensive maps of many parts of the globe, via its former colonial territories?
Thursday 2nd June 2016.
Egyptian Airlines.
The French navy has now been responsible for finding the black box in the Mediterranean sea from the lost Paris to Cairo Egypt air flight. It is not yet known when a robotic sub will be deployed to recover the boxes.
But Egypt, Greece and France along with the EU have not wasted their time in making an oceanographic map of the seas in this region.
Perhaps what has been gathered here by many nations in the region will help in further exploration of the deeps in other parts of the world?
Thursday 12th May 2016.
Camera on the Ocean floor.
At last someone has had the vision to discover what lays at the bottom of one part of our Oceans floor. Sadly a plastic bottle and a tine beer can has been left by humanity in this pristine environment to ruin it?
One is already seeing the amazing capabilities of animals here to produce light to see their way around, in fact our world had as much light before humanity had electricity. We await to see if their are anymore unknown giants of the deep!
Thursday 28th April 2016.
Sub's in Space.
Most training conditions that suit Spaceflights are by divers and the underwater test facilities in both Kazakhstan and the U.S.A. But now the design to send a sub to Titan a moon of Saturn, a new concept has had to be developed as you will see on the space page of this blog.
it is interesting that science is rushing off to deep space within our solar system, while it knows very little about our own here on Earth?
Thursday 7th April 2016.
''Treasure, Treasure me Boys.''
It is the desire for riches that is perhaps the continued source of deep sea diving over that of any other reason. Gold, coins and other precious items are worth while discovering and recovering. It is so sad that the more that the bottom of our seas have is being neglected?
If we had more of it mapped in detail, finding lost things would be greatly helped and other areas including Space exploration would be advanced.
There are still many areas of research to be done with our seas and oceans and perhaps some bright spark will come along sooner than later and have a vision for all that we could learn from the dark depths?
Thursday 3rd December 2015.
The Unknown World.
Most of what we tend to see of the underwater world is via natural history and wrecks programming, We sometimes see how sonar helps fishermen find their catches, but that is about it!
It would seem that the worlds navies perhaps know more than anyone else what lurks in our deep oceans and what they are using to spy on each other under the water.
In times past sailors told tall tales of many different kinds of sea monsters, and despite the exaggerations many monsters do come up in some of the various violent storms such as giant Squids. But there are perhaps others that we are not told about, because they really belong to the very deep and will never be seen by any human.
Humanity must be learning much from the deep, especially in relation to studying the continental shelves on other plants, such as Mars and planned expeditions to various moons Jovian and Saturnian Moons
Thursday 29th October 2015.
Warming Oceans Drive Patricia.
Patricia is now well past Mexico and the flooding of Texas, it had the fastest ever recorded wind speeds of a tropical storm over 240mph out in the Pacific ocean off Mexico. It went from a category one to five quicker than was ever seen before.
It has been noted in recent oceanography that our planet seems to be heating up more from within, rather than from the Sun. This is leaving many scientist baffled about the whole subject of global warming?
Thursday 13th August 2015.
Underwater developments for space Exploration.
Both Russia and America have developed their own underwater training facilities over the years, since most pilots were and are divers by profession and interest. But the research that is currently going into the development of deep underwater robotic craft may one day soon be deployed to Titan and Pluto to investigate what is underneath these liquid and gas oceans.
Robots are now starting to self replicate and many people fear some stupid recent comments by famous scientists headline grabbing. These replicators are so simple, but will be so effective in the future for the International Space Station and trips to Mars. The need of human risk and safety is paramount for these many unknown environments.
Thursday 21st May 2015.
British Royal Navy Submarines not safe?
This is the claims being made by a former submariner, 'That British nuclear subs are not safe and the supposed security around them has been breached on a regular basis.' In fact with Russia loosing four and the United States two, it is of no suprise that reactors under water can be as disastrous as above.
These submarines are really warships of the marine kind and when procedures that have to be undertaken that are complex, mistakes can be easly made. There are today many other surface ships that now rely or are stuck with nuclear power plants!
No information has ever been released in relation to the effects of nuclear accidental explosions under the sea and to what effects these have had on the Ocean environment?
Thursday 12th March 2015.
Russia's New titanium Submarine.
This amazing discovery was made by accident, that the Russians have a new submarine that will not suffer the effects of 'Barnacle Bill and other crustaceans, that damage the hulls of so many boats.
Titanium was used in the De'Lorean car, which has allowed it not to rust and extend its life to this present day.
Thursday 5th February 2015.
Manned and Unmanned Subs.
The short modern history of Oceanography is based on the last 100 year development of the Submarine predominately as a underwater warship. But people have been diving for much longer and the diving bell in one form or another goes back thousands of years.
The problem has always been the pressures, as one goes deeper and so Robotic machines today can go where man cannot. Technology has come up with a plethora of devices, but it remains the Russians who are leading the way in this field.
Most of the former Soviet Cosmonauts were professional divers and that is how they developed their pool training centres for their space programmes from Salyut to Mir.
Thursday 22nd January 2015.
Archaeological Mapping
Various Robotic submersibles are now available to many underwater archaeological departments in various U.S and Australian universities.
The adaption of the torpedo tube has lead to this, they are limited to only operating at night and the seas must be calm.
But they are producing incredible maps, that could never be achieved by humans for their detail.
Thursday 1st January 2015.
Deep water Exploration.
Space exploration has lead Oceanographers now to get moving on trying to re-investigate some of the deepest trenches that are found around the earth.
The loss of the Malaysian commercial jet in the southern-Indian ocean has also demanded the need to map and to discover more about this unknown region of the sea floor.
Newer deep sea robotic craft are being developed to be enabled to survive the pressures of those depths and to use infra-red over light to save power.
Thursday 18th December 2014.
Treasure Hunting.
Much underwater exploration that is done today is in relation to two types of recovery, one is the licenced to recover bullion from known sunken wrecks and the other is treasure hunting combined with sea archaeology.
Much of this research is carried out in shallow waters, some of it is still deep but not as deep as the oceans. Some new creatures are being discovered on every voyage and we are finding the oceans are as full of life n the land surfaces.
Thursday 20th November 2014.
Sea UFOs
Many lone yacht people travelling around the globe have reported strange light on the surface of the seas and Oceans and also underneath them. Some may be either lightening or volcanic activity, but many are the testing of new secret military projects.
Every underwater deep dive today by manned and unmanned vehicles are revealing new find of creatures and the sense also at times of larger elusive ones.
Thursday 13th November 2014.
What we Do not Know
We know more about space and our Solar system, that we actually know about our ocean depths. Mariners working on various forms of underwater research daily discover new creatures.
We have seen with the discovery of the Titanic what can be achieved by deep sea diving robotics.
Many strange phenomena have been discovered at these really deep and dark places such as dark lakes and animals that can withstand volcanic heat, thus challenging the Myths of Dragons.
Global Warming!
We are now in a crises situation over the consumption of fossil fuels and burning of tropical forestation for the benefit of famers to produce crops that are not really essential to humanity, but rather to big business?
River outlets and lagoons in the far-east are now clogged with degrading plastics that are in our food chain, with untold damage that may be discovered in years to come!
Saturday 10th August 2019.
Plastic Pollution?
The deeper that humanity travels to the bottom of our seas and Oceans, we find plastic but the question is this the real problem with what is causing Global warming or Climate change?
My own opinion is that it is not and I blame the past testing of Nuclear weapons under the ground which is the real culprit to our crust warming up!
Whatever it is science is still on a 50/50 split about the whole matter and despite new discoveries our governments talk much find new taxes and continue to invest in fossil fuels exploration and drilling?
Thursday 28th February 2019.
New drones and Submarines.
2019 Promises to see a dramatic change to sea and sub marine drones and submarines, in how they are used both for research and in naval tactics?
These changes have come, because of serious advances in technology and the further shrinking of computers and their capacity to store data by transmission to the cloud based system.
This will allow smaller vehicles to be built that are either unmanned or have smaller crews being more automated ever than before?
Thursday 5th July 2018.
Ocean Research!
The biggest issues at this time is to gather data on global warming and to find out how our weather is coping with industrial pollution from the developing world?
Much of this data gathered at sea is from Buoy drones, that have been placed in areas where their is little or no human activity, fishing, shipping lanes?
What is being discovered is that the earth is warming up from within and that their is more of an increase of plastic pollution over that of atmospheric dust!
We can only go on what we are being told by the various world government agencies, and some Internet and periodical research by the individual may turn up a better idea of the truth?
Thursday 14th June 2018.
Drones and Subs?
Most modern submarines are still being built and designed for a future Nuclear war and that is why they need to be manned, but one wonders for how long more?
The introduction of drone technology takes away the need for the dangers of the oceans and pressures, but very little is known as yet to what capability these have?
Many can be launched from a torpedo tube and go about their business very much like the many military air drone weapons platforms!
Scientific research to deep seas investigation remains very limited all across the globe and it is not clear why? Nuclear and old ammunitions dumping may be one reason, underwater volcanism and earthquakes may be another?
Thursday 31st May 2018.
Military Naval Tech?
Most military tech has to remain secret, due to national security issues! Some are total military projects, while others are being developed to fight the smuggling of illegal narcotics at sea and people trafficking?
What will be learnt from these technologies, will later be deployed in the civil and Space industries, but it many not be tomorrow but in years to come!
Thursday 17th May 2018.
Marine Research!
Much marine research is being carried out world-wide in relation to pollution and the plastic problem, which has been high-lighted in the media recently!
But more is being done to measure the effects of dumping nuclear fuel rods in the deepness of our Oceans, than concerns for made-made pollution?
It is well known that the Earth is heating up internally, but at this time it is not known why? This also proves it has very little to do with the burning of fossil fuels, since that only effects the air and volcanoes spew out much more that we do from our industries!
Thursday 3rd May 2018.
The seas are not our Own?
It is becoming more and more noticeable that explorers cannot go where they want to in their work, because of several segregated areas of the Oceans that are reserved for the military of the world!
There seems to be more sensitive areas than first thought and they are excluded from investigation and research unless it is with governments permissions?
Amazingly this includes many areas of deep waters, which are known for the dumping of ammunition's and radio-active materials that need to be maintained under great pressures!
Thursday 19th April 2018.
Lack of Adventure!
There remains a lack of adventure to investigate below the waves, but some projects are proceeding in different parts of the world to investigate some coral reefs, ice flows and deep oceans?
Science is taking over more and more from that of the treasure hunters and the military, one supposes that what can be achieved here on Earth will help the Space industry to explore ice worlds in later years throughout our Solar System?
Thursday 5th April 2018.
War with Syria?
If the war with Syria ever happens, cruise missiles may be launched from Submarines rather than ships, especially if Russia says it will retaliate?
Today's super power submarines are perhaps some of the best in the world, for both operation and sailor comforts! But we will have to wait and see what will happen in the theatre of war and will they be detected by the enemy?
After all the years of peace, it is sad that two great nations are going into a hear-say bleach attack carried out by friends of Daesh?
Thursday 15th March 2018.
Limited Interest and Why?
it is hard to know why there remains a limited interest in the exploration of the Ocean floors and mountain regions of our seas, one may be the cost when space technology gives a good enough detail? The other could be unforeseen dangers, but robotics will the choice in the years to come?
We are seeing this come to fruition with the introduction of unmanned drone torpedoes and submarines and they will be mapping regions for the security of their own nations? It would seem that the seas will remain secret for some time to come, despite all the newish innovations?
Thursday 1st February 2018.
Robotic drone Mining?
We think hat the technology that is being developed today is Solly for space, when most of it is to be used in the building of 24/7 underwater mining sites to save the need of all the infrastructure that would be demanded for human crew change and activity?
Humans may be needed from time to time to check or to build these facilities, but after that it may be a fully automatic and operational facility until the resources run out?
Thursday 18th January 2018.
Oil and Mineral Mining!
The driving forces behind new underwater exploration will be based on oil, gas and mining under the sea and the north-pole ice caps, this is already underway as Denmark, Russia, Norway, Canada and the U.S. via for a slice of the warming summer north-pole sea routes?
It is amazing to see what mountain ranges under the polar ocean has been discovered so far and the claims being made to conquer the terrain? In fact this area will easier to work than any venture to be made on the South-Pole, but many nations may chance something here by using existing drone technology?
Thursday 4th January 2018.
Submarines remain death Traps?
Last year Argentina lost a new submarine to either a mistake or technical error in the southern-Atlantic ocean with the loss of forty-four plus!
This continues to prove to be a very dangerous type of activity, as much as Space travel? One wants to believe that modern design is top notch, but its the tech and weapon systems that get the most spent on!
Until we can develop better underwater drones or spend more money on protecting human life then we will have problems?
Thursday 15th June 2017.
A whole new Opportunity?
The miniaturisation of the new generation of drone submarines has opened many new ideas for their uses from military, security, fishery protection, and research? Because also of live transmission of data to surface and space links, the worries of loosing a vessel is now viable since it would be easy to replace!
These drones are state of the art, but in recent years some of them are becoming available to the general public and it is hoped that one day they will be smaller than a standard camera for a child's toy or amiture to use in local lakes and pools if not inshore waters?
Thursday 1st June 2017.
Much but not Enough?
Nearly every nation today has survey ships of many kinds and they have many shared projects, but the subs that they have are still limited to about 1000 feet below? This is fine for most studies of fish and island or reef activity, but it is still not enough to know what lies at the bottom if not the sea trenches?
Cost may be one factor, but the other could be related to military activity or just little interest? Money and making money are the key factors in science! Space has more opportunities to invest in and more potential to make more money?
Thursday 18th May 2017
Nuclear Submarines.
In light of the worsening situation, or perhaps only what the media are implying? The situation between the United States and North-Korea seems to be gathering pace for some conflict incident?
The United States of America does boast the largest and most powerful fleet of submarines, but the question to be asked is can they do what they claim they can?
On the other hand N-Korea has some ex-Chinese and Soviet era vessels and they claim to have a new ship or sub launched nuclear missile, with a range of about 400 Km (240 Miles)? It would be possible for them, if they could leave their home waters to hit, S-Korea and Japan!
Thursday 4th May 2017.
What's New?
One of the major developments in the research subs has been the ability to get the glass bubble design to near a depth of 1000ft.
These new vessels have a 360 degree viewing angle for scientists filming in the darkness under water, this being backed up by more battery power for the new lights.
Robotic machines have been found to be more safer at all lower depths so far, but perhaps it is the cost of these machines and their limited ability to get crews trained to work them?
Thursday 22nd December 2016.
Work underway to develop deeper Exploration!
It takes time to get an idea on paper and then design and build it well before it can be tested, that in its own right taking another period of time too?
Many vessels and drones are being developed in all sizes and shape for automated work and also human endurance to new depths!
With what is known already is quite shocking in that even the bottoms of the oceans now contain human pollution in that of plastic waste?
Thursday 8th December 2016
Thursday 24th November 2016
Thursday 10th November 2016.
Thursday 27th October 2016.
Thursday 13th October 2016.
New Submersibles.
With the advancement now in robotics, many new machines are becoming available to go deeper and to start in-depth scanning or mapping of the ocean floor.
New creatures and habits are being discovered world wide every day, but most of the great effort that is being made will eventually enter the Space programme for use under the ice on the many frozen Moons and planets in our Solar System?
Thursday 29th September 2016.
Marine Research.
Various devices are now being deployed in this area to study the sea, weather and global warming-climate change? What we do not hear is the findings of what is really going on?
Some of these probes may have more to do with the search for underwater resources such as gas and oil or looking for other things that are not to be mentioned outside to the general public?
Thursday 15th September 2016.
Private ventures.
It would seem that for the near future many underwater exploits are going to be done in the private sector with small craft, because we as yet do not know what the worlds military has in this area of investigation if anything.
The cost is the problem, the building of a new generation of submersible vehicles is now running into the billions if not trillions? Money that is not about anymore because of the credit bubble, but private small scale work can be done and can be successful to a point.
Everyday marine biologists are claiming new finds in the depths of various seas around the world! Most of this work is being done on the continental shelves, what lays beyond is still a mystery? What is being discovered is how far human waste such as plastic is travelling.
Thursday 23rd June 2016.
Black Boxes for Recovery.
The French Navy says that it has found the black boxes badly damaged from the downed Egypt Airlines and recovery is underway.
Next to one of these media reports was that of fears that International hackers will in the next few years be able to take down any aircraft that they like?
Soon we will know the cause of this crash and the loss of 66 lives on a Paris to Cairo early morning flight. What we also have gathered is that France is a world leader in Oceanography and must have extensive maps of many parts of the globe, via its former colonial territories?
Thursday 2nd June 2016.
Egyptian Airlines.
The French navy has now been responsible for finding the black box in the Mediterranean sea from the lost Paris to Cairo Egypt air flight. It is not yet known when a robotic sub will be deployed to recover the boxes.
But Egypt, Greece and France along with the EU have not wasted their time in making an oceanographic map of the seas in this region.
Perhaps what has been gathered here by many nations in the region will help in further exploration of the deeps in other parts of the world?
Thursday 12th May 2016.
Camera on the Ocean floor.
At last someone has had the vision to discover what lays at the bottom of one part of our Oceans floor. Sadly a plastic bottle and a tine beer can has been left by humanity in this pristine environment to ruin it?
One is already seeing the amazing capabilities of animals here to produce light to see their way around, in fact our world had as much light before humanity had electricity. We await to see if their are anymore unknown giants of the deep!
Thursday 28th April 2016.
Sub's in Space.
Most training conditions that suit Spaceflights are by divers and the underwater test facilities in both Kazakhstan and the U.S.A. But now the design to send a sub to Titan a moon of Saturn, a new concept has had to be developed as you will see on the space page of this blog.
it is interesting that science is rushing off to deep space within our solar system, while it knows very little about our own here on Earth?
Thursday 7th April 2016.
''Treasure, Treasure me Boys.''
It is the desire for riches that is perhaps the continued source of deep sea diving over that of any other reason. Gold, coins and other precious items are worth while discovering and recovering. It is so sad that the more that the bottom of our seas have is being neglected?
If we had more of it mapped in detail, finding lost things would be greatly helped and other areas including Space exploration would be advanced.
There are still many areas of research to be done with our seas and oceans and perhaps some bright spark will come along sooner than later and have a vision for all that we could learn from the dark depths?
Thursday 3rd December 2015.
The Unknown World.
Most of what we tend to see of the underwater world is via natural history and wrecks programming, We sometimes see how sonar helps fishermen find their catches, but that is about it!
It would seem that the worlds navies perhaps know more than anyone else what lurks in our deep oceans and what they are using to spy on each other under the water.
In times past sailors told tall tales of many different kinds of sea monsters, and despite the exaggerations many monsters do come up in some of the various violent storms such as giant Squids. But there are perhaps others that we are not told about, because they really belong to the very deep and will never be seen by any human.
Humanity must be learning much from the deep, especially in relation to studying the continental shelves on other plants, such as Mars and planned expeditions to various moons Jovian and Saturnian Moons
Thursday 29th October 2015.
Warming Oceans Drive Patricia.
Patricia is now well past Mexico and the flooding of Texas, it had the fastest ever recorded wind speeds of a tropical storm over 240mph out in the Pacific ocean off Mexico. It went from a category one to five quicker than was ever seen before.
It has been noted in recent oceanography that our planet seems to be heating up more from within, rather than from the Sun. This is leaving many scientist baffled about the whole subject of global warming?
Thursday 13th August 2015.
Underwater developments for space Exploration.
Both Russia and America have developed their own underwater training facilities over the years, since most pilots were and are divers by profession and interest. But the research that is currently going into the development of deep underwater robotic craft may one day soon be deployed to Titan and Pluto to investigate what is underneath these liquid and gas oceans.
Robots are now starting to self replicate and many people fear some stupid recent comments by famous scientists headline grabbing. These replicators are so simple, but will be so effective in the future for the International Space Station and trips to Mars. The need of human risk and safety is paramount for these many unknown environments.
Thursday 21st May 2015.
British Royal Navy Submarines not safe?
This is the claims being made by a former submariner, 'That British nuclear subs are not safe and the supposed security around them has been breached on a regular basis.' In fact with Russia loosing four and the United States two, it is of no suprise that reactors under water can be as disastrous as above.
These submarines are really warships of the marine kind and when procedures that have to be undertaken that are complex, mistakes can be easly made. There are today many other surface ships that now rely or are stuck with nuclear power plants!
No information has ever been released in relation to the effects of nuclear accidental explosions under the sea and to what effects these have had on the Ocean environment?
Thursday 12th March 2015.
Russia's New titanium Submarine.
This amazing discovery was made by accident, that the Russians have a new submarine that will not suffer the effects of 'Barnacle Bill and other crustaceans, that damage the hulls of so many boats.
Titanium was used in the De'Lorean car, which has allowed it not to rust and extend its life to this present day.
Thursday 5th February 2015.
Manned and Unmanned Subs.
The short modern history of Oceanography is based on the last 100 year development of the Submarine predominately as a underwater warship. But people have been diving for much longer and the diving bell in one form or another goes back thousands of years.
The problem has always been the pressures, as one goes deeper and so Robotic machines today can go where man cannot. Technology has come up with a plethora of devices, but it remains the Russians who are leading the way in this field.
Most of the former Soviet Cosmonauts were professional divers and that is how they developed their pool training centres for their space programmes from Salyut to Mir.
Thursday 22nd January 2015.
Archaeological Mapping
Various Robotic submersibles are now available to many underwater archaeological departments in various U.S and Australian universities.
The adaption of the torpedo tube has lead to this, they are limited to only operating at night and the seas must be calm.
But they are producing incredible maps, that could never be achieved by humans for their detail.
Thursday 1st January 2015.
Deep water Exploration.
Space exploration has lead Oceanographers now to get moving on trying to re-investigate some of the deepest trenches that are found around the earth.
The loss of the Malaysian commercial jet in the southern-Indian ocean has also demanded the need to map and to discover more about this unknown region of the sea floor.
Newer deep sea robotic craft are being developed to be enabled to survive the pressures of those depths and to use infra-red over light to save power.
Thursday 18th December 2014.
Treasure Hunting.
Much underwater exploration that is done today is in relation to two types of recovery, one is the licenced to recover bullion from known sunken wrecks and the other is treasure hunting combined with sea archaeology.
Much of this research is carried out in shallow waters, some of it is still deep but not as deep as the oceans. Some new creatures are being discovered on every voyage and we are finding the oceans are as full of life n the land surfaces.
Thursday 20th November 2014.
Sea UFOs
Many lone yacht people travelling around the globe have reported strange light on the surface of the seas and Oceans and also underneath them. Some may be either lightening or volcanic activity, but many are the testing of new secret military projects.
Every underwater deep dive today by manned and unmanned vehicles are revealing new find of creatures and the sense also at times of larger elusive ones.
Thursday 13th November 2014.
What we Do not Know
We know more about space and our Solar system, that we actually know about our ocean depths. Mariners working on various forms of underwater research daily discover new creatures.
We have seen with the discovery of the Titanic what can be achieved by deep sea diving robotics.
Many strange phenomena have been discovered at these really deep and dark places such as dark lakes and animals that can withstand volcanic heat, thus challenging the Myths of Dragons.
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