Thursday 29 September 2016

Railways Future. Part-Two.

Hauling, remains Profitable!

It will be a long time before humanity gives up on its railways, because both passenger travel and the hauling of goods remains big business? We may faster express trains and much improved commuter stock go from the western world to the developing world, but freight may remain the same  with some increased speed and line signalling improvements?

The United States of America, Canada, Australia, Russia, China and Brazil are huge land masses, where the train has come into its own value. Locomotion demands four plus engines to pull two mile long trains through swamp, desert, forestry and ice. The exploration for minerals, fossil fuels and precious metals and stones demands specialist equipment to be supplied.

Some of this can be done without rails, but rails are much faster and direct with telecommunications and eventually gas and oil pipelines marking the almost same route. New towns and cities will also be built along side the new railways, even the remotest places?

Thursday 15 September 2016

Space the Final Frontier.

Vision to reach our neigbouring Star.

The idea is on the drawing board, after the discovery of a so called Goldie Locks planet orbiting a red dwarf star the nearest to us? This is still not a proven idea, but many want to get going with the Solar Sail concept?

Where does one start with all the problems of the new discoveries in our Solar System from the Kuiper belt to the now believed Ort Cloud. In fact there may be more dust between the stars than was first thought, so out goes Star Trek type space ships?

Niku and X9 are perhaps the reall next targets to investigate with a mission to both Neptune and Uranus. New Horizon is now half was to the Kuiper Belt with the first object cousing of Pluto in sight. Juno has arrived at Jupitor, a few pictures have been released but nothing more is being for the time?

It would be best to not jump to far and enjoy the discovery of what we know or can see to learn a bit more that our neigbourhood has to offer first?