Red and Arabian Sea Warfare!

 Iran, Somalia and Yemen attacking International Shipping?

Apart from the established Piracy off Somalia, shipping heading too and from the Red Sea now have to contend with Yemen's Houthi rebels firing missiles and drones at ships that are suspected to have some Israeli connections and thus a new warfare front has opened coming back to haunt the United States?

With this new attack this morning off Indian waters by Iran and despite the twenty plus nation coalition commitment to police the region, the problem is spreading throughout the Muslim world over the Israel-Gaza situation and thus the cost of goods and fuel will rise in Europe on top of already existing problems?

The Houthi's have an organised military to board ships from helicopters Mil MI-17 and hijack, while U.S. naval vessels are getting struck with air to ground missiles and drones, on the other hand Iran is using long-range ballistic weapons that also threaten the Mediterranean Sea?

Sunday 8th December 2024.

Sunday 25th August 2024.

Silence by Climate Activists!

Another ship, this time a crude tanker has been holed by several houthi missiles and is leaking in the Red Sea, but very little is being said about it in the western media when it comes to the environment?

One has to wonder why nothing much is being said and that is because nothing can be said, since no one is taking any notice about it and no one can do anything about it!

That is the problem of the whole movement, it has no grounding in the Middle-East and its NGO's will be murdered, if they speak up?

Sunday 11th August 2024.

Iran claims it cannot control its Proxies?

Tehran has threatened to attack Israel, despite being warned by the U.S. it will pay a heavy price so it is now passing the buck on to its various affiliated groups and the obvious are the Houthies in Yemen!

But it could be anyone of a number in the region or an attack on Israeli and Jewish interests in Europe from the Olympics to a school or other that would hurt?

Meanwhile the attacks on shipping and U.S. naval vessels continues, but the U.S. have said nothing in reply to these claims accept that they have thwarted various drone launches towards southern-Israel!

Sunday 28th July 2024.

Israel has given the Houthies no Fuel!

The IDF did what neither the U.S. or the U.K. wanted to do and that is to uproot the Iranian backed root of evil in the region, but they were there or where they?

Now that the fuel is gone and the possibility of follow up strike on Iranian supply, the terrorist have reduced their firing of drones and missiles, but also the factions are divided over peace with each other!

Technically Israel has made an effective strike on their own and has exposed probably antisemitism is their so called allies who are really afraid of Iran and favorite weapon that works and defeats us, if we let it?

Sunday 14th July 2024.

U.S. and U.K, Divided Loyalties?

The problems lay with allied forces, who refuse to take out what is fueling these shipping attacks now spreading across the region and it is costing billions and a sixteen day plus delay in trade and the risk of loosing shipping to storms off Southern Africa!

Meanwhile attacks on missile launchers is great, but it is not effective, since the supply routes and fuel supplies are the essentials targets to stop production and Iranian support?

Sunday 30th June 2024.

Tankers being Targeted!

Time is running out for the militants in this region and this illegal carry on, since much fuel is needed in Southern-Europe and these ships are just an excuse to be attacked just perhaps for the fun of it?

It is as always the crews who have to suffer injuries or kidnap from unknown attackers and terrorists, who have their own agenda to kill, disable or ransom the crews!

Fear must not be allowed to enter ones thoughts, or we are already defeated, but trust in our Lord, or coming to the place of finding him will get us through all situations and circumstances!

Psalm 91:5, Matthew 10:26, John 3;3, 14-21, Romans 3:23.

Sunday 16th June 2024.

U.S. Navy and more ships getting Hit?

Very little information on exact strikes are being revealed, but a U.S. Destroyer was hit and also a Greek ship evacuated after the crew were injured.

Both the U.K. and U.S. have continued to bomb Houthi positions with some recent major successes, but with new Iranian fronts now opening off Cyprus this war is about to spread to another sea area?

It appears that the U.S. leadership is weak to deal with Iran and thus the prices of goods coming from China are going up, perhaps the Pacific Ocean and the Panama canal will be better in the long run!

Sunday 2nd June 2024.

Over 100 vessels attacked!

This weekend we have seen four civilian ships hit by Houthi missiles and two U.S. Warships a destroyer and the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

Meanwhile the Houthis have kept up there missile fire on Eilat in Southern-Israel, while also using drones to attack IDF targets with some success?

These continued attacks are raising the prices of containers and many people in Europe are already doing their Christmas shopping, because of the expected hike in overseas goods!

Sunday 3rd March 2024.

British shipping targeted?

One of several ships are now listing in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, despite the efforts of the western alliance naval forces and the bombing of Houthi positions in Yemen a British vessel car carrier has sunk and it is not clear how many other ships have been hit this week!

Iran is the main supplier of missiles to these rebels and it is unlikely in the current climate if the United States would directly attack an Iranian naval or merchant vessel, apart from the occasional fishing boat?

Sunday 18th February 2024

Four more ships hit since last week

Both the U.K and Greece are now feeling the pinch with their respective ships being hit and catching fire, but the U.S. and the U.K. are turning on the pressure with some success in countering Iranian spy shipping in the area?

Africa seems to see a potential to take a financial advantage now in ships having to travel around the cape of South-Africa instead of risking the Yemeni area and the Suez canal even on an empty return!

Saturday 10th February 2024.

U.S. U.K. and a coalition have attacked Yemen!

With now and estimated fifty ships attacked in the region and four of them catching fire, the International community have had to act with bombing Yemen with some success, while the U.S, navy has downed many cruise and ballistic missiles heading for Eilat in Southern-Israel.

The United States has given Yemen a one week ultimatum to stop these piracy attacks or face some serious consequences, but it is unlikely that it will heeded by the Iranian backed Houthies since they know that the U.S. is afraid to go to war with Iran, even despite recent operations in Syria and Iraq?

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