Thursday, 11 October 2018

Russia Aborts!

Space remains a dangerous Business?

Just like the Space shuttle, we can become over confident and routine about any form of travel and then disaster strikes with the loss of lives! Today that was averted when the Russian Soyuz aborted and landed safety, but history of space shows us the many disasters and losses over the years since 1957!?

Space is still in its infancy and those designers and engineers may have access to newer kit, computers and materials but the old problems of human mistakes remain? 

We see the genius of Elon Musk being wasted on his spiff of marijuana, what if something in his flawed design not seen lead to a similar incident with space tourism one knows not many of these fantasy spaceships have lifeboats?

We are some 500 years away from anything like even the first science fiction Star trek ship, if one is ever built? Outer space flight is revealing obstacles and debris in the outer reaches! We still are not clear on the effects of radiation in stellar space, we know that in our own space around the gravitational field of our sun it could lead to sterilisation!