Thursday 28 February 2019

Age of the Drones!

A valuable tool for many Areas?

We are now living in the menace of cheap drones and professional ones being used in an illicit purpose by both criminals and terrorists! But despite all that is negative about them, there is so much that is good and invaluable!

Mountain rescue, the RNLI and other search and rescue will save their own lives, while saving others! Searching for missing people, animals, livestock and various types of hazardous condition such as bush fires, leaking pipelines will save time to find out the exact problem and get it sorted with limited or specific resources?

Long range reconnaissance and observation will help in flight control and also in police work linking visuals to ground unites and assisting helicopter work to be more specialised. In fact there is an unlimited types of uses in the air, land and over the sea, if not also under the sea, pipes and drains with more mobile drones and other Robotic equipment?