Thursday 25 October 2012


The rise of the Robots.

We have had robotic automation now for some time in aircraft, train, metro piloting systems, examples being auto-pilot and the London Docklands light rail system (DLR). This could be described as the first generation, along with military drones etc. 

Now that the Honda Asimo and other similar humanoid robots have been created, we are perhaps moving into the second generation.  

Has sci-fi becoming a reality? 

These robots will help greatly in the care of older folks and the disabled in the ability to lift them. Currently the U.S. army has announced its first successful mechanical horse. This horse will move much faster than any natural animal, but also do the job of the mule or donkey in mountainous regions like Afghanistan/Pakistan. But what will the third generation of robots bring to humanity? Will there ever be a day when the machines take over, such as in the Terminator scenario of films?

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