Thursday 30 May 2013

Helicopters SAR.

Search and Rescue.

What are the best helicopters employed for search and rescue operations?

The Sikorsky S-61 and Westland Sea King have probably in the British isles been the best to serve in this role. France has used the Super Frelon, Russia and Eastern European countries the Mil Mi-14/17/117. All basically the same machine with additions added on.

First things with SAR is you need range, you also need capacity. It would be no good going out 250 miles to a tanker sinking fast with 17 crew and a SA-365 Dolphin? 

The U.S. have used a variety of machines, but it looks like the S-92H will be the helicopter for the beginning of this century. Meanwhile Canada has joined many other nations in buying the Westland-Augusta AW-101 Merlin.

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