Thursday 20 June 2013

VW Beattle.

Volks Wagon. (The Peoples Car).

What we know today as the 'Beattle' and probably one of the best ever designed automobiles, started life as a Porsche. 

Designed for the German Dictator Adolf Hitler, as his peoples car. Meanwhile this design has well stood the test of time, coming off the board in the 1930's it is mustering on.

Curved lines and simplicity are its good points. It is different from other cars, because of the small engine in the traditional boot and larger space at the front.

The car was not popular in Nazi Germany 1931-45, but after the war and the take over by the British of VW, exports around the world and especially to Mexico booted its appeal. 

Today many cars continue to survive, because of their attraction to be converted to 'hot rods.'

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