Thursday 25 September 2014

Freezers. Part-Two.


Technology has moved on with the CFC being removed from the gas that operates to cause coldness, but not all freezers are designed to produce ice. Many today are just to keep fruit and vegetables cool for long term storage.

The problem of re-freezing remains a danger and nothing as yet has been discovered to do this, but time will bring in new ideas. Refrigeration is not just for food and flowers, but also for organ transplantation and many other medical uses.

Some people even pay a lot of money to be kept frozen after death in the belief that one day a cure for terminal illness will be found to bring them back to life?

Thursday 18 September 2014

The BTR-60 APC.

'Were rocking all over the world.'

Soviet Russia spread its socialist philosphy with trade and military hardware, just as much as the united States and many other countries do so today. One of the biggest exports outside military jets, was the assortment of ground vehicles and the APC's on offer.

Many countries that could not buy aircraft or ships, went for vehicles instead, apart from Tanks. Today we see the situations of conflicts around the world, from the Middle-East to Afghanistan, to the Uraine to Libya in North-Africa and we see that familiar eight wheel APC, the BTR-60 still active in successfully moving troops about.

The BTR-60 started life in 1961 and was an advanced development and replacement for the BTR-152 APC. It was fully amphibious, carried a crew of two and 14 troops. Today there are so many versions available, that it would be immpossible to account for all of them here. 

Speed is around 48 mph and range around 350 miles, but with improved engines this has probably improved since the fall of the Soviet Union. The vehicle has been built under licence in Romania as the TAB-70, also in India and China. While several adapted vehicles were re-built from it in the middle-east and in Israel.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Modern Trams and Metros. Part-One.

Improved Technology.

Modern trams and the various other light rail systems today are a far cry from say seventy years ago. These newer systems and machines have better design and layout, but that is to be expected. We can only learn to improve by experience, trail and error in anything.

The computer, battery technology and design for capacity layout has been a great advantage. Speed and comfort are also improved considerations, employed in some countries with security measures.

The building of town extensions, new town has forced planners to improve the use of both the metro and tram to go to the best pic up and dropping points for both day and night use.

Friday 5 September 2014


'Riding on the magic carpet.'

What a great invention, that today has multiple uses around the world from swamps to tundra, to deserts and sandy river estuary's. The hovercraft has come a long way, via the military and ferry travel to perhaps more practical applications.

Nearly every country in the world uses the air-cushon system from search and rescue to pleasure activities. This is only a touch introduction, but later we will take closer look at those early day developments and visit Russia, Italy and the U.S.A., while coming back around the Great Britain.