Thursday 15 January 2015

Air Freighters. Part-Four.

The 1970's onwards.

From the 1970's and the advent of the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 to the 11F, Lockheed Tristar and the rise of the Jumbo jet, Boeing 747-100/400 the age that we live in has now occurred. From day one these aircraft had the potential and the Boeing 747, MD-11F soldier on with many specialist airlines operating all around the world.

Apart from post and parcels (DHL, UPS, FexEx, TNT) many are employed in the movement of military equipment of various type. Airlines such as Kalitta, Atlas, Gemini, Air Bridge cargo, Aerologic all carry sometimes unlisted loads using the above mentioned types.

Meanwhile the Boeing 757, earlier 737's and the newer 777 are now converted fro this role. The European Airbus manufacturer has also used its older types for freight, Post and general cargo. Some of these types were intially offered in the combi-configuration, especcially the Boeing 747-200. it looks like that his will continue to be the case.

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