Thursday, 25 June 2015

Russian Federation. Part-One.


With European Union sanctions now being placed on Russia, it has caused it to re-arm with new MBT, the order of Nuclear warheads and missile systems. Many world leaders are defending the rights of the expansion of Europe into the Baltic States and the Ukraine and this all has echoes of Nazi-Germany.

Russia wanted peace and made great efforts to comply with the west to do so from the day of Gorbachev, but sadly the weak leadership of Barak Obama has allowed a third world war crises to be on the brink.

The Russian Federation has plenty of military equipment available and with economic co-operation with Iran and the Peoples Republic of China, it will find it easy to develop more and more newer and advanced types equiptment and defence systems.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Australian Navy.


It is now perhaps Australia that is leading the world in marine design say that over Sweden, with its generations of tri-ships. These large catamaran designs have proved more effective to handle the conditions of the southern-Oceans and the Pacific.

The Polynesian peoples knew a thing or two about how to build wooden boats and hop from island chain to chain. These ancient boats covered all aspects of the sea from trade to fishing to war and raiding parties.

Australia's biggest problem at the moment is illegal fishing and immigrants hoping to cross the Indian Ocean, but we can be sure that there are many other illicit activities where these types of ships and patrol craft can handle better than single hull vessels.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Road Trains. Part-Two.


The problems with road traffic is the quality of the roads, from Highways to dirt tracks. This is what limits the use of heavy haulage traffic who need to keep on the smooth, rather than getting stuck on broken ground. 

Russia, China, America, Brazil and many other better developed nations can take advantage of this type of long distant haulage and there are many new concepts coming on the the commercial market. The moving of machinery is the main need for some road trains, but it can be animals and general goods that would be cheaper than flying or sailing them in?

The one disadvantage seems to be the side moving bus development is still not available to heavy haulage and would be of benefit to expand into countries with worse road conditions?

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Aviation Lifters. Part-Two.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, Antonov An-124/224.

These are currently the three largest giants of the aviation world in the area of heavy lifting, as yet there no cargo version of the civil Airbus A380 on the cards. Lifting of oil and drill rigs parts are the main uses today, apart from the ability to Carry ICBM (Inter-continental Ballistic missile) components. Russia, Canada and Australia along with the Amazon in Brazil are the areas for this type of work. 

We do not hear much about this, because these aircraft really are military more than they are civil. But now with exploration and the ever increasing demand of fossil fuels by developing nations, such as China, India and Brazil there is a demand for commercial contract flying.