Wednesday 13 June 2018

Movable Drilling Platforms. Two.

The ability to build a rig at Sea!

This is to be the future for gas and oil drilling at sea, it will cut out the shipyards and the need to tow rigs by barges! The two reasons for this change is the costs in ordering and the insurance, you think you have problems each year with your car?

These vessels will still have to dock for certain components, but Meccano and Lego ideas have now come to fruition in the drilling industries? Crew transfers may be made directly from these vessels and pumping to a hub if to far out in that of laying cable!

Much has been learnt in this industry over the last fifty years, despite the many accidents! This technology will open the Oceans of the world up to exploration and with the melting of the North pole the possibility to take advantage of seasonal drilling. It is also hoped that in time these ships and their larger variants will also be enabled to disable rigs new and old?

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