Friday 30 September 2022

Artemis 1 Failed Again?

 ''To the Moon or not!

One has to wonder if the United States in all their pride will ever make it to the Moon again, the President just does no have the ump that John F. Kennedy had and NASA spends millions on avoiding finding life, but using the missions to boost the U.S. arms industry?

It looks at this time, following hurricane Ian that China and Russia might get there first and leave the U.S. to focus on the building of the new Gateway space station that will orbit the Moon, following the demise of the ISS (International Space Station) from 2023 to 2030!

Many nations have now sent a plethora of robotic craft to the Moon and made many new and strange discoveries and one expects that over the next one hundred years much more will be gathered as we live up there!

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