Saturday 22 July 2023

Citroen Ami.

 The urban electric future or a death Trap?

This is one of the most initiative designs of the new electric car for urban travel, but with a 22Kg battery and adapter one can extend the range beyond 46 miles and double it up.

But there are issues, speed is 30MPH/46kmh, it is wise to go a bit slower and it could overturn on sharp corners, with the passenger getting more hurt than the driver?

Other issues with this 2-metre tiny car are the roof is black and it will get very hot in the summer, while in the winter it will get very steamy, with little heat to clear the windows and only one windscreen wiper?

Some customers have said theirs leaks, but despite all that is against it such as it is cutting power after twenty miles to 10Mph, it has a lot going for it, easy parking and it will be well able to handle the new speed restrictions in towns and cities and you don't have to pay ULEZ charges in London and the equivalents in other places.

Saturday 8 July 2023

Space anomalies?

 Outer solar system Hunting.

NASA and other space agencies believe that there maybe one or two pineapple sized black holes near to the orbit of Pluto, while there is also the probability that another cold ice giant lurks in the ort cloud, since it is becoming hard to measure some of these very distant objects.

Planet 9 or X does now not seem anymore to be a priority and more focus is being spent on a Moon base over the International Space station, while the people's republic of China may want to share a Moon base with Russia, but not its new military space station!

In the past year many other nations around the world have joined the space race, with the Gulf states, New Zealand and Africa, they have a plethora of ideas that may change our outlook to be of more interest in the known solar system?

Space tourism is now up and running with the Galaxy flier and Musk has achieved his return rockets, that will prove invaluable on Mars and other places?