Thursday 29 December 2011

New Year 2012/13.

New Year 2012/13.

I wonder what new innovations in the world of machines will be revealed to us this year? 

Perhaps if the price of oil and other fuels continues to increase, we may have to turn back to steam trains, trucks, engines and airships? 

Is there still a viable future for such machines again? 

Hopefully engineers will be using alternative energy sources to power their new ideas and concepts.

Friday 23 December 2011

Space Shuttle-II

Space Shuttle -II.

It was sad to see the retirement of the U.S. NASA Space shuttle program. I wonder when will there be a new one in the pipe-line? 

Some would say 'it was nothing more than a glorified glider, rather than a powered aircraft.' But it did perform very well as a fine earth-space vehicle and was the only one of its kind. 

NASA crews claim 'it was complicated to fly.' But I wonder why the robot technology used for the ill fated Soviet Russian Buran was not adopted into the NASA program, after the fall of communism?

Saturday 17 December 2011

The Monotony of Design.

The Monotony of Commercial jets.

Where has design in the aviation industry gone? 

Fifty years ago every new aircraft that was produced had a different shape, but now everything seems to have gone boring with all the same. 

Please will some one wake-up and do something different?