Thursday 29 August 2013

The Sci-fi Reality. Part-Two.

Too Much?

Some would say that we have gone to far and done too much in such a short time span?

With the positives also has to come the negatives of advancement, science has provided humans with flight, medicines and machines. New materials and sources of energy to drive our new found world.

But we have also developed new weapons, poisons gasses and biological agents.

Humanity has the capability for the first time to wipe himself off the face of his own world. We wonder what happened to the dinosaurs?  From Tanks to Intercontinental ballistic missiles, from Mustard gas to Cyclone-b, to Genetic engineering and robotic drones. Lasers in space, to a new breed of high speed aircraft, believed to be known as Aurora.

The future will see deep space travel, cloned humans and new types of chemical and biological warfare, if not a nuclear war.  

We just need to sit back, think and question a bit more?

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