Thursday 17 October 2013

Coin Aircraft.

Counter Insurgent Props.

The arms industry has always been a big business in human history, with the advent of aviation this is even more so. We will first take a look at some of the propeller driven aircraft, which are on the market. these aircraft have been purchased as advanced trainers. But they have a secondary role as light attack aircraft.

It is usually the smaller nations, who cannot afford to buy jets that opt for these types. The Italian SF-260Warrior, Swiss Pilatus PC-7/9, U.S T-34 Mentor, Swedish Saab MF-117 and the joint Brazilian/British Embraer/Shorts EMB-321Tucano. 

There are many other types, which you could add, but these will for now give you a good idea.

These two seater aircraft can be fitted with one or more 7.62mm gun pods and light rockets of different possibilities.

Most are used to attack insurgents, with surprise attacks or for anti-drugs operations. While others have been purchased by mercenary forces.

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