Thursday 12 December 2013

The Concorde Story. Part-Two.

Supersonic Bombers.

Both the Concorde and the Soviet Tupolev TU-144 Charger were civlian off shoots of their military counterparts. It was inreality only the super powers of Soviet Russia and the United states that employed these types of aircraft. 

Toay many of the survivors of the 'Cold War era' have other uses, than what they were initially intended for. America has its B1 and B2, while Russia its Tupolev Blackjack and Backfire.

These types of aircraft have been superceeded by more advanced fighters such as the F-14/15, MiG-31/33 and Sukhoi Su-50. On the otherhand we also have the ICBM and new missile platforms today along with longrange drones

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