Thursday, 23 January 2014

Sukhoi 100 v Boeing 737 family.

Small to medium Commercial jet airliners.

Without a fact no one can say 'that Boeing has not had commercial success with its 737-100/900 family over the last forty years. Airbus has over the last 25 years, starting with the A330 done and equality good job in competition and taking the market from the Americans with its ever expanding new smaller jets.

But here we want to look at what Russia, post Soviet Union  is doing to take their own place in the groving competative stance of world aviation industry. The Sukhoi 100/200 is the equivalent to the Boeing 737, which the new Russia has employed in great number to replace its own ageing fleet's. 

This aircraft if successful will fill a needed gap, replacing the out dated and long lived Tupolev TU-134/154. There are many other Russian design bureaus such as Antonov with their designs, but Sukhoi has the appeal to western airlines who may want something to replace their favourite DC-9's and the ill fated Boeing 717-1/200's.

The biggest market for such an aircraft is that of package holiday tourism, which will now expand in Europe, as the EU expands into Eastern-Europe and the Caucasus?

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