Thursday 26 March 2015

In the Big Country. Part-One.

Railways in their own Right.


To get from A-to B railways are the best for the movement of goods and minerals, Melbourne to Perth and Darwin to Melbourne via Alice Springs in now part of the life line of this Island continent. Australia's out back is harsh, lonely and extremely dangerous.

The trains that cross these wildernesses are operated by hard crews and their machines are some of the best in the world. Australia has plenty of mineral resources from copper and Iron ore to bauxite and Uranium. Many areas of mining are now undertaken by robotic controlled trucks, because of their toxic nature.

The railroad is inland and safer, some countries may use their coasts for shipping, Australia does not have that option, because the mineral's are located in the heart of the continent.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Air Freighters. Part-Five.

Freighters of the 21st Century.

Many older aircraft as we have seen in this series remain in service for these roles of freight and postal use, but now with the rise in Internet shopping their is an even greater demand on 'Mail order and many traditional carriers such as FedEx and UPS are turning to the Boeing 777, because of its cubic space.

The Russian Antonov An-124 Ruslan, Ilyushin Il-176, Boeing C-17 Globemaster III and Boeing 747-8, are able to lift those really cumbesome loads.

Meanwhile the market for large business and executive jets, with a combi capability has provided most manufactures to develope varians such as the sucessful Boeing 737 BBJ, 777, Embraer is now adopting their E-190's and Airbus is offering a version of their A319 for this role.

Aircraft both civil and military large, medium and small will always be found a useful role in cargo, post, and private use.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Driverless Vehicles. Part-Two.

'More common that we Realise.'

Many modern tram, mono rails and rapid transit systems are now robotically controlled around the world. The most famous of these is perhaps the London Docklands Light Railway, were millions of people each day put their hand's in their driver less trains.

This now extensive network that serves East and South-East London is controlled from one centre at Poplar, while the main depot is at Becton. This line also goes underground now in two places from Tower Hill (Gateway) to Bank and under the River Thames from Island Gardens on the Isle of Dog's to Greenwich (Cutty Sark).

Many of the newer monorails in Germany are also driver less, not as extensive as the London DLR and the new London Ski Lift they are automatically controlled. In time more and more systems and trams will be automated, perhaps with only a conductor or ticket collector to give re-assurance of human contact!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Artificial Intelligence. Part-Two


This is some realy old stuff, but back in the 1970's West-Germany, the police introduced a robotic policeman to guide traffic and for years no one actually ever knew that he was not real.

This robot in a police uniform had authority and respect, he stayed out in all weathers and no one ever thought anything was strange.

Today our train driver or other roles could be in the hands of robots, and we being so busy now with technology, emails and the various sharing sites, would not take notice.