Thursday 21 May 2015

High Speed Trains. Part-One.

From the Bullet to ICE.

Over the last seventy years Japan with its Bullet, France and the TVG and now Germany and the ICE have made serious breakthroughs in speed and comfort to get people from A-B/Z. Japan was the first to develop a really high speed train and despite Earthquakes and many other disasters the system has expanded and continues to grow.

France was determined to have a similar system to fan out from its capital Paris and be also part of a wider European network, even before there was one. The Channel Tunnel has allowed a serious extension to be made, but within the U.K. this remains limited and future plans are being delayed.

On the other hand Germany has joined the European network with its own sleek version known as ICE, while Italy, Switzerland are also developing their versions and linking up with France and Germany.

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