Thursday 12 May 2016

The decline in the price of Steel. Part-Two.

A point has to Come?

The demand for more metal items is actually on the decline as we said before, since the introduction of new types of combined plastics. Ship building and the need for the construction, road and railway building industry will continue to demand metal.

But the reallity is we will at some point need to start to re-cycle steel or we will face the WALLY situation of a world glut dump of metal and all the rubbish that the human race is accumilating.

The peoples Republic of China has given the world a gift while pricing its own self out? The idea that the steel market in a few years will lift up cannot be sustained by the building debt on some of these plants across the world.

This is serious in the west, when mainy are linked to pension schemes that are becoming chains to profits and something will have to be done by governments who may take advice to convert over that of closing down?

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