Sunday, 18 February 2024

Monster Movers

 Bulldozers are making Headway!

The world is now no longer relying on back breaking workers, when they can employ new even heavier machines to do the work much faster above and below ground?

What is the set back in much construction today is getting the measurements right, if off by a few millimeters disaster will strike that is why the Elizabeth London cross-rail and the new link to Birmingham is taking so long!

It is amazing how Telford and Brunel did it with a sink line and thousands of mostly Irish navies and made the U.K. great as many other countries have followed.

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Breakthrough in Hydrogen development!

 BMW has the first hydrogen powered vehicle?

For many years now the engine of converting them to other fuels has been something of an issue, but the German car maker claims that they have developed a converter motor withing the axle of their prototype car and this will be the future for motoring, since it requires no conventional engine and a smaller fuel tank if that!

But what it has is it will be far lighter than electric vehicles, while also not over heating in summer and catching fire, while in winter loosing up to 30% of power. 

Something which have caught many drivers with these expensive cars and the waste of time charging them up before moving and having to keep doing so, since the lithium drains in cold weather even when the engine and the vehicle is moving!