Thursday, 5 June 2014

Air Freighters. Part-One.

Cargo and Freight.

Through human history on this planet we have always had to move goods and this was either done by boat, ships or waggon's of one type or another. With the advent of the steam age from the 19th Century, it was the invention of the railways that revolutionised movements across vast areas of our land masses and then seventy years later the aeroplane was invented.

Initially aircraft were for breaking speed records and then World War-I (1914-18) saw the military side of this new machine. It was not really until the 1920's that aircraft were big enough to both carry mail and passengers. Every year a new world record of distant flying was being broken and the need to carry goods started to be demanded.

Airships and rigid Durables were also in competition with the aircraft, despite being slow and vulnerable they were able to carry heavier loads than aircraft could.

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