Thursday 19 June 2014

Air Freighters. Part-Two.

World War-II (1939-45).

From 1918 to 1939 aircraft got larger and larger in size and with this were enabled to fly further. It was British Imperial Airways, operating out of London-Croydon airport who took advantage of all of the latest British aircraft types. The Handley Page converted bombers were the height of luxury flying and they had the additional cargo space for mail.

HP 0/400 Twin-engined carried 12 passengers, The Vickers Vimy was similar and both were scrapped by 1924.

By 1928 the Shorts three-engined Calcutta flying boat was in service carrying 15 passengers and two pilots at 110mph. By 1930 the HP42 was capable of 38 passengers and just before 1939, shorts had in service the first 16 sleeper cross-Atlantic flying boat.

It was not until the second world war that there was a demand for mass production air transport and aircraft such as the Douglas DC-3/47 came to the fore. Other large aircraft in the war years were the Shorts Sunderland flying boats, which were a massive improvement on the Handley-Pages.

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