Thursday 21 April 2016

The Coast Guards. Part-Two.

Border patrol to people Trafficking.

At times we do live in a horrible world, with people taking advantage and exploiting those trying to escape poverty and war?

The role of this type of shipping has developed from smuggling goods and contraband to know recovering dead drowned bodies. Narcotics is still a major problem and so is illegal fishing and the wrecking of boats to claim insurance.

Seas have become places to cross in flimsy craft, it may not look to far on the map? But it is immense in reality even crossing at the shortest point. The ancient mariners took days to do a 13 to 26 mile trip and it had to be chanced in fair weather. Today boats are abandoned by the smuggling crews in all sorts of weathers.

Most of the worlds navies cannot afford a separate force, so they encompass their smaller vessels to do this work. 

Many new tactics are now developed and employed in observing and intercepting, including surprise in the early hours and during storms to get one off guard.

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