Thursday 4 January 2018

The Electric Age?

2018 Promises to be the Electric Everything!

Electricity is nothing new when it comes to machine technologies but we are now talking about a new form of fusion drive that is none fossil fuel based? The U.S. will reveal their X-57 electric space plane, but it is one of many designs that are being planned or in development around the world!

The electric lithium powered cars, buses and trucks are already here and boats, trains and ships are to follow, but many of them remain bio-fuelled and are not truly what they claim to be?

Ecology and the environment is pushing for cleaner engines that do not cause or will cut pollution levels in our large cities.

Much of what is planned is well behind by in some cases up to forty years and it is not clear as yet if the new technology will just be like diesel replacing steam, with no knowledge that it might be worse in some health aspects?

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