Saturday 10 August 2019

Moving into Electric?

Cars, planes and Boats!

Norway has become a leader in this new conception, while many who started the trend such as Tesla are going out with financial costs running to high. Many countries claim to have something to develop in the area, but it will be some time before we see a real all electric powered vehicle, rather than a battery operated one?

Battery is not bad but the technology for it has not changed much in the last one hundred years so apart from solar and alternative energies we will just have to wait and see is there really any alternative to fossil fuels even in the near future!

We do not get to hear to much of what is going on in the developing world when it come to this type of technology and what breakthroughs that they have made with alternatives to fossil extraction fuels!

Boeing Demise?

Boeing 737-MAX.

Boeing had started to replace several of its older types of aircraft such as the 757, 767, first generation 777 and the long time workhorse of the manufacturer the 737 generation in the hope that the newer Max series would lead the filed along with the 787-10 and 777X!

But two accidents earlier this year scuppered that plan and even the 747-400/8 is still in demand from the second had market. Technical issues with the new computers keep failing with serious glitches and other problems are coming to the fore with the 777X which was to be the 747 replacement?

But Boeing will pull through since it has a large overtake stake in the Brazilian Embraer company and its new business jet developments and various military exploits involving Israel!

The U.S. a new path in Space?

Russia maybe Excluded?

NASA is being guided by the Trump administration into a new path of Space research and travel that breaks the long established cooperation! Currently the U.S still needs the Russians passage and re-supply to the International Space Station, but the new Gateway programme will see them be cut back to just one module in the whole project?

Artemis is the new project to return to the Moon to establish a south pole base that will lead eventually to getting humans on Mars by 2030? The sad thing is that many other nations such as China and Indi might pull it off with the Russians in a direct flight and return?