Friday 13 April 2012


They come in all shapes and sizes and we can't really do without them?

The truck, Juggernaut, lorry is truly a most invaluable machine for the movement of all types of goods, from small loads in a local vicinity to big loads across vast distances. No matter where in the world you go, you will find them at work. 

Monster carriers are used in modern quarrying and in similar heavy construction sites. In Australia cattle, sheep are moved across distances in road trains. But it is probably ore that is one of the commonest uses found for trucks. 

Shipping and trains also play their part for the very vast distances, but otherwise it will be a truck of some description in the local area. With the development of newer types, new engines and better cab design, trucks have come a long way. 

But the future for them will be the development of improved fuel, re-performance and new sources of power, instead of diesel, petrol?

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